PUBLIC NOTE of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee ( on the outcomes of the 2018 IGF
04 de fevereiro de 2019
PUBLIC NOTE of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee ( on the outcomes of the 2018 IGF
The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee –, exercising the mandate conferred to it by Decree no. 4.829/2003,
Bearing in mind that on November 12th 2018, in Paris, France, during the Internet Governance Forum, some discussions dealt with some aspects inherent to the secure and sustainable development of the Internet, underscoring the respect for national democratic institutions and the importance of the participation of all stakeholder groups in the creation of regulatory frameworks for the Internet;
Taking note that during the 2018 IGF the French Government launched the “Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace”, highlighting the need for the identification and development of common principles to ensure peace and security in cyberspace;
Considering that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have an increasing role in all aspects of contemporary life and that there are challenges to trust, security and stability of the Internet (understood as the main entry door to cyberspace);
Considering further that according to Decalogue of Principles (Resolution any action undertaken by governments, the private sector, civil society, technical communities and academia, as well as international organizations, shall be consistent with the principle of an open, decentralized, innovative, trustworthy and reliable Internet and shall respect privacy, freedom of expression, diversity and human rights.
1) Acknowledges the importance of the “Paris Call”, reiterating that the challenges and the objectives described therein shall be tackled by joint and collaborative action of all stakeholder groups, according to their respective roles, on a multistakeholder basis, recognized as fundamental for Internet governance by the Tunis Agenda and reinforced by the NETmundial Statement.
2) Welcomes the political advance achieved in the 2018 IGF, when it was recognized that the Forum, within the Internet governance ecosystem, is one of the relevant arenas for the convergence of transnational interests and for calling on different stakeholder groups to strengthen and enhance the structure and working methods practiced by the IGF so that it can be built up as an event where regulatory guidelines for the sustainable development of the Internet can be formulated in a transparent and multistakeholder way, according to the mandate conferred by the United Nations, something which is also in line with’s Decalogue of Principles.
3) Expresses the understanding that it is fundamental that the assumptions, principles and proposals set forth by the “Paris Call” be subject to discussion and scrutiny during the 2019 IGF, in Berlin, in a transparent, democratic and collaborative way.
4) Reiterates, in light of several discussions that were held during the 2018 IGF, that concerns with security, stability and resilience of cyberspace must take into account the respect for freedom of expression, privacy and human rights, recognized as a fundamental for the preservation of just and democratic societies.
5) Underscores that trust and security on cyberspace are issues that have to be approached collaboratively and cooperatively by different stakeholders that come from the public and the private sector, from technical communities and academia, civil society and international organizations, as well as individual and corporate users. Such collaboration and cooperation were aspects recognized during the 2018 IGF as essential for the preservation and enhancement of the basic principles that make the Internet an open, diverse, neutral, inclusive and innovative space.